Philips need to hire new programmers for their software. This is really buggy. Beware to those thinking of upgrading to homekit enabled bridge. First day of use and I already found a lot of bugs. First, when you have created scenes and even if they work, doesnt mean they will always work. A lot of my scenes suddenly stopped working and on the app, it says it cannot be exported because of too many lamps in a scene. I only had max of 5 lamps each scene!!! And these scene worked like three hours ago. Another one, if you have more than one apple device, and they all use one iCloud account, you will eventually get an error about the bridge being already paired up with another device. Resetting homekit settings on apple device wont work. Even logging out of your iCloud wont work either. Your only option, reset the bridge to factory settings and this will be a pain if you have more than 30 bulbs to reset up again which took me three hours today including all timers, alarms, ifttt integration and now I have to redo it all over again. If this happens again, this bulb starter kit with homekit is going back to bestbuy.
Also where is the group functionality? You dont expect us to not have a group of lights? Its been years and this hasnt been implemented yet all other hue third party apps have them. If only those third party apps can be connected to ifttt then I wont have to use this app.
dtorregoza about Philips Hue gen 1, v1.10.2