Love all the hue products. Have several bulbs, lightstrip and bloom. Problem is this app lacks some basic functionality that Im forced to go to third party apps to be able to access, and their implementation is often lacking. First of all, why am I able to adjust the saturation on my bulbs in other apps but not on the Hue app? This is a crucial control to getting colors just right. Add it for gods sake. Second, I have bulbs in several rooms of the house. I should be able to designate groups and add individual bulbs, so if I want to increase the brightness in my bedroom I can do so with one slider. Also, I have to create scenes to turn off a whole room, but just that room. Seriously? Why is there no functionality for setting up rooms or groups? Third, bought some of the new white lights for the dining room, but the only way I can control them with this app is in the lights tab. Evidently its too much to ask to be able to set up recipes, or group these lights with color bulbs used for accents in the same room to make a unified theme that can be activated like other scenes. Instead I have to futz around setting each bulbs level. Support the products you sell with a decent app that gives your customers all the options. This app should be the ultimate hue app, not the basic one.
Matty Matt about Philips Hue gen 1